J. Cortes “Torres” ~ 1900

SKU 764512301544 Category


J. Cortes ~ 1900 very special classical guitar from Valencia

J. Cortes was a small guitar manufacturer in Valencia at the turn of the century and until the 1930s. Similar to Salvador Ibanez, Telesforo Julve or Andres Marin, Cortes mainly made guitars in the Torres style.

This guitar is very special because it was built in the style of a Torres guitar with high-quality woods and good workmanship. The scale length is 640 mm and the nut width is 47 mm. The top is made of fine spruce and the back and sides of very beautiful, high-quality rosewood.

The sound is absolutely beautiful. The old woods produce a wonderful and sweet tone. It has a great fullness and a harmonious quality. The notes blend together beautifully yet retain their clarity and separation. The guitar vibrates beautifully against the player’s body, which is a unique experience.
The sound can also be incredibly powerful and is very similar to what we know from Torres guitars.

The guitar is in good condition and has been extensively restored. Cracks in the back, sides and top have been repaired and the neck has also been patched and reinforced. All restoration work was carried out professionally and the guitar plays beautifully, with a low action and a straight neck.


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