Conde Hermanos Felipe V N° 2 2010


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Great flamenco guitar built in Felipe V N°2 in 2010 a true Conde Hermanos. It is a EF-3N model, a more affordable version of their high end guitars.

The Conde Hermanos guitars were preferred by PACO DE LUCÍA as they are simply the best flamenco guitars available on the market.

The guitar is really amazing – it plays so nice and easy and it sounds even better!
The action is low and the neck is straight. It has a wonderful sound and reacts incredibly fast.
It has the typical flamenco sound as you know it from the recordings of the great masters and would be a great instrument for a professional musician – for concerts or recording.

It is well adjusted with a low action and a straight neck

The guitar is in a very good condition with only some small amount off wear from play and use.


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