Dieter Hopf – fine handmade instruments since 1669

The Hopf family has been making instruments since 1669. Since that time this tradition has been passed on from generation to generation until today. Today Hopf is one of the leading manufacturers of guitars in Germany. Many guitar builders learned with Hopf and later opened their own workshops.
Currently the company is managed by Dieter Hopf. Dieter Hopf is an outstanding guitar maker and enjoys a very good reputation worldwide.
He has contributed much to the development of the concert guitar through various advancements and patents.
Well-known guitarists who played and still play Dieter Hopf’s instruments are Baden Powell, Alexandre Lagoya, Michael Tröster, Joana as well as Joe Sander of Johnny Cash Experience.
This great guitar is a reproduction of a baroque guitar by Dieter Hopf from 1967, this handmade master guitar is an excellent opportunity for guitarists to revive melodies from old times in a stylistically appropriate way.