S. Kießling 1939

SKU 655422654 Category


S. Kießling 1939 – very interesting guitar – extremely extravagant for the time!

We present a very beautiful handmade guitar by S. Kießling from 1939. Unfortunately, we have not been able to find any further information about this guitar maker – we would therefore be grateful for any hints and further information.

This guitar is very interesting, extravagant and of high quality! It has a finely worked scalloped fingerboard and a truss rod, which is typical for the Viennese guitar making style.
Also special are the 2 sound holes on this guitar, which remind us of jazz guitars.
Some elements are also similar to the guitars of Richard Jacob Weißgerber, like the bridge, the fingerboard or the varnish.

We are pleased to offer this beautiful guitar for sale.

The back and sides are made of maple and the top is made of spruce. The scale length is 620 mm and the nut width is 44 mm.

The tone of this particular instrument is sweet, beautiful and lyrical. It has a woody nuance in the sound, which can only be found in high quality handmade vintage guitars.
The tone is very fine and detailed, it develops the most beautiful timbres and the guitar lends itself beautifully to modelling the tones.


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