Domingo Esteso 1922

SKU 69741151 Category


The Spanish luthier Domingo Esteso Lopez was one of the great guitar-makers of the early part of the 20th century that apprenticed with Manuel Ramirez. After Manuel Ramirez died, he opened his own shop on the calle Gravina, where he was joined by his 13 year old nephew Faustino Conde in 1926, as did Mariano Conde in 1929. After his death in the end of 1937, Faustino and his two brothers, Mariano and Julio Conde continued working under the label Vda y Sobrinos de Domingo Esteso. Domingo Esteso guitars are considered monumental and historical, some of them are shown in the great Museums around the world telling the most important part of the history of the flamenco guitar.

This guitar is from 1922 and is a very nice flamenco guitar.

Even by modern standards today, the volume of this instrument is plentiful, and the loose, woody, and played-in sound is something that can only be found in an vinateg instrument.
The sound is absolutely magical from the bottom-end to the highest registers. It can be caressed to draw out a beautiful, singing lyricism but when pushed just right it growls as an old world flamenco.

Condition wise it has several well-repaired cracks to the body – fortunately despite the work done, it still retains its authentic sound and plays very well.

The scale lenght is 654 mm and the nut width 52 mm. It has a spruce top and cypress back and sides.


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