
Salvador Ibáñez (1854–1920) was a Spanish luthier. He made all kind of stringed instruments. These instruments were considered the finest of their age and are prized for their excellent quality and impeccable workmanship.
At eleven years of age Ibáñez became an apprentice in guitar construction at Calle Muela Valencia.
In 1870 he started his own company: Salvador Ibáñez y Albiñara. The company was registered at Calle Cubells. Working in his shop were the ten-year-old José Ibáñez and Magdalena Albiñara y Magraner, from Ollería, Valencia. In 1896 he first appeared in the trade guides at Calle Ruzafa Valencia and from 1898 to 1906 his shop was located at Calle Bajada de San Francisco. Salvador Ibáñez made bandurias, lutes, six and nine-string guitars and also guitars with detachable necks. In 1897 he made the world’s first double-necked guitar. In the period 1915-1920 Salvador Ibáñez e Hijos (Salvador Ibáñez and Sons) were located at Calle Bajada de San Francisco and at Calle Padre Rico Valencia.
When he died in 1920 his workshop continued to be managed by his two sons until it was sold in 1933 to Telesforo Julve. Julve bought the Salvador Ibanez name, personnel and machinery and incorporated it in its own enterprise.
Julian Bream has played a Salvador Ibáñez guitar. Eric Clapton has owned several original Salvador Ibáñez guitars, one of which was sold at a benefit auction in 1999 obtaining a final price of US$42,000.
The scale length is 657 mm and the nut width 51 mm
This guitar has been restored, it has a few repaired parts on the back. The top and sides are in good condition – especially considering that it is for older than 100 years!
It comes with a hard case.
Here you get a real collector’s item and a part of guitar history!
For all my guitars with wooden pegs, I offer the conversion to Wittner finetune pegs. These look like wooden pegs, but offer far better comfort and a wonderful tuning stability.
For material and installation costs, I have to charge 200 € – if you are interested in this option, please let me know!